Saturday, 13 June 2015

Free UK Chart Scanner - Candlestick Patterns and Chart Patterns

GENERIC DISCLAIMER: While none of this is designed to be malicious software, in the event that it does do something bad to your computer, I take no liability for this.

I've mentioned Tom Bulkowski's free chart scanner before, but my friendly programmer has just sent me a data downloader that I feel I ought to share with the wider world - nevertheless I'm going to post an overview here of the program and how I make it work on my Mac:

Tom Bulkowski's Free Chart Scanner (Patternz):

This is designed to work on Windows XP, but according to his instructions people have been able to make this run in newer versions of Windows and on Linux and Macs. I only have experience running this on my Mac, but I believe that his support for Windows users (most of you) is pretty good.

I run this program via an emulator called Wine on my Macbook Pro:

A download for the version of wine that I use can be found here (I use an .app bundle to save myself a load of time compiling Wine manually):

After you've downloaded Wine, you'll need to run the SETUP.exe for Patternz, which will install the program for you (for Mac users, simply install it in the C path destination that Wine suggests).

My Daily Data Downloader:

This was made for me by an old school friend. It downloads historical data from Yahoo's API for the stocks listed in the Tickers file - I have scanned all of these stocks for errors and have removed any that cause known issues (which are invariably due to delisting).

If you change the data in the tickers file you can then change what data the program downloads.

This file is a .exe, but I run this through another emulator called Mono through my terminal. It can be downloader here for Mac users:

Once Mono has been installed, you will need to actually download and run the data downloader in Terminal:

You can download the program here:

1. You need to tell the terminal where you are running the program from:

- Drag and drop the folder where the downloader exists into your terminal window.

2. Press return once or twice to check for errors and also to make a new line.

3. Type "mono" (with no quotation marks).

4. Type "chmod +x <drag and drop the .exe here>" (with no "" or <> marks).

5. Press return a couple of times to check for errors and also to make a new line.

6. Type "mono <drag and drop the .exe here> tickers.exe" (with no "" or <> marks).

- You need to add the tickers file at the end so the program knows what data to get (drag and drop into the terminal window or just type its name if you haven't moved it out of its folder).

Hopefully this should now just run and if so EPIC codes will appear down the terminal window - if something goes wrong it will fire an error message at you.

Changing the names:

In Mac's OSX Yosemite this is really easy: Navigate to the folder with the data in, select the all of the files and right click and pick the rename function for all of them. Chose to replace the ".L" with blank space - the ".L" simply tells the program to search for stocks listed in London.

If you have an older version of OSX I know that some people have had success with using excel to remove the ".L" tag.

Using these programs in tandem:

Now, assuming that the downloader worked for you, you now need to open up Patternz (right click and run in for Mac users) and you will need to configure the settings for the English date format (the fourth setting down under the settings tab I believe).

Then using the navigation bar built into Patternz, navigate to the data folder and select your files.

All going well, this should now work!

For Windows users, this should be a lot easier and both programs should hopefully just run without input from emulators (being a Mac user I can't confirm this).

Known Issues:


Sometimes, Wine claims that it can't find the source data files for the program (not the data downloader).

If so, simply remove the wine prefix (click the wine icon on the top toolbar, click "Change Prefix" and click the "X" button next to the prefix.

Next, delete the Patternz folder and reinstall it (you don't need to reinstall Wine).

For me, this fixes the issue for a few more runs of the program.


Doing this is a certain way to cause the glitch described in point 1 above.

I hope this helps someone,

The Masked Stock Trader

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